Summercamp 2023

The last days of Summer Camp day 19, 20

The last days of Summer Camp were spent practicing our coding and play play playing at the park. We enjoyed two great days of dodgeball and park fun. The teachers have worked hard to bring a fun and interesting Baking and Coding Summer Camp to Explore ESL this year!

Check out day1, day2, day3, day4, day5, day6, day7, day8, day9, day10,day11, day12, day13, day1415, day16, day17, day18

Climbing field trip and Wiring the robot day 18

We had great fun at Taichung’s DaPro climbing center climbing up bordering walls and being belayed up huge climbs. it was impressive to see many of the students climbing to the very top. Size or age was not an indication of who was brave and happy to climb. Teacher Kelvin made it all the way up a couple of climbs too. He remembers it takes a lot of energy to climb for hours. The coaches were good and the students had a great time either assisted climbing or self climbing with descenders.

Wiring the robots was a challenge but we made it. By listening well and following instructions even smaller students are able to accomplish great goals. Excellent work by all.

Check out day1, day2, day3, day4, day5, day6, day7, day8, day9, day10,day11, day12, day13, day1415, day16, day17

Events and actions day 16

We climbed trees and learned non-stop cricket at the park today. Cricket is not a sport we usually play in Taiwan, so some extra instruction was necessary. Pretty soon the idea caught on and the excitement started. After cricket we enjoyed a little free time on the exercise equipment or climbing trees. Plenty of students wanted to be monkeys in the trees. The coding today was focused on elements and interactions. When we put a move input we want the character to move on screen. If an action such as a character is clicked on or another character touches your character something should happen. We programmed sounds and disappearing special effects as a result of events. All the students partook and learned heaps.

Check out day1, day2, day3, day4, day5, day6, day7, day8, day9, day10,day11, day12, day13, day1415

Loops and Sequences day 14, 15

These days we focused more on there concepts of programming. We introduced the idea of loops for doing actions that we need to do over and over again. We further moved on to nested loops, loops within loops. This was challenging for the students, most rose to the challenge and succeeded learning many things by following the learning schedule. It is great to see students making gains and enjoying their work. Later we went to the park and learned how to throw a frisbee in a straight line. We practiced throwing at a tree trunk then we split up into groups of 3 and 4 and threw to each other.

Check out day1, day2, day3, day4, day5, day6, day7, day8, day9, day10,day11, day12, day13,

Field Trip and crafting on day 13

In the morning the students crafted mini laptop computers from colored card. It was a good chance to review the vocabulary we had learned on day 11 and 12 as well as to get crafty and practice using a ruler to layout a cardboard keyboard. The afternoon was filled with jumping as we visited Air Gene, a trampolining fun place. We played trampolining dodgeball, trampolining basketball, climbing walls and falling into sponge pits and fly on the wall velcro suits. Lots of fun!

Check out day1, day2, day3, day4, day5, day6, day7, day8, day9, day10, day11

Coding Time: Learning computer vocabulary Day 11

We began our journey into coding. We learned many computer and technology words that we may need to use when talking about computers. Some students had lots of knowledge while others were not sure. It was interesting to draw little pictures of the vocabulary we learned. The students also enjoyed playing ballon volleyball, something fun to play when it is pouring rain outside.

Check out day1, day2, day3, day4, day5, day6, day7, day8, day9, day10

Cinnamon Rolls / Chelsea buns. The last of the baking Day10 TGIF

We made the yummiest Chelsea buns today. Some of the students opted for cinnamon rolls which don’t have raisins , or mixed spice. I think they were some of the most successful things that we have baked and every kid loved them. Happy Friday! Next week is coding!

Check out day1, day2, day3, day4, day5, day6, day7, day8, day9

Yummy Russian Fudge (contains no Russians) Day9

One of the students has an allergy to cocoa we found, so not chocolate fudge, let’s add milk and condensed milk and make it Russian Fudge. Teacher Kelvin tried not to eat much as he likes it so much.

Check out day1, day2, day3, day4, day5, day6, day7, day8

Quilling Sushi Craft and Lazer Treks Field Trip Day 8

Today we started with some calming craft work. Teacher Kelvin taught the craft of quilling. We used a Q-tip with one end snipped off and a slit cut vertically into it as a quilling tool. Sushi seemed to be an achievable goal and relatable for all the kids and the topic of baking and food. We had fun designing the sushi and adding quilled elements. After lunch and break time we went on a field trip to Lazer Treks in Taichung city. It is always a fun time with workout. We finished with a relaxing movie in the big room, our chill Wednesday at ExploreESL SummerCamp!

Check out day1, day2, day3, day4, day5, day6, day7

Chocolate cake Day 7

We made some yummy chocolate cake and ran around crazily at the park playing tail tag.

Lemon Meringue Pies Day 5

Today we made lemon meringue pies on of Teacher Kelvin’s favorite treats. We used premade pie bases, but made the lemon filling and meringue topping. I asked the senior students G4-6 to talk about making them. After junior students made their pies and ate one, we decided to go to LiXing park. This is a really fun park just 1.1km from Explore ESL. We spent most of the time climbing and swinging. Really a fun Friday at Explore ESL Summer Camp.

Check out day1, day2, day3, day4

Anzac Biscuits Day 4

Teacher Kelvin is from Australia and New Zealand. His mom made him Anzac biscuits to fill him up when he was little. Today we learned to make these yummy and filling biscuits made of coconut and rolled oats. We also learned what the Australian flag looks like. Of course we have lots pop other fun at Explore ESL. We learned to play dots and boxes, tic tac toe, and we completed some sudoku. The park game today was kick ball. This is a regular favorite for Friday park days at Explore ESL.

Check out day1, day2, day3

Bowling Action Field Trip Day 3

We visited the local bowling alley to burn off some energy and knock down some pins. Teacher Kelvin taught about selecting a bowling ball and matching finger holes, as well as how to line up you bowl and hold the ball as you bowl with perfect form (ha ha). Some students made a good effort to try the correct technique and were excited to watch the ball come back in the ball return system. Teacher Kelly, Tina and Kelvin were bowling along with students. Check out day 2 below.

Making Scones Day 2

We made a favorite from New Zealand, Australia and all parts of the British Commonwealth. Scones with jam and cream. Students learned to measure 3 cups of flour, 6 teaspoons of baking powder, 1/4 teaspoon of salt, 75g of unsalted butter and 1 to 1 1/2 cups of milk and knead some yummy scones. While they were baking at 220 degrees for 10 minutes we used the electric beater to whip up some whipping cream. We added just a little sugar for taste. Finally when the scones were ready we had strawberry jam on them topped with cream. Some less sweet toothed students opted for cheese and ham. Everyone was full with surprisingly quickly!. We worked off some of the energy learning four square at the park, then came back to write about it and play board games.

Check out Day 1